Thursday, September 13, 2012

classical music

I am learning about Giovanni Pierluigda Palestrina. He was a famous composer. He was the only one who saved church music during the Reinessence period. I am listening to one of his most famous works, “Missa Papae Macrcelli.” It is considered his best work.

Palestrina received his early music education as a choirboy in Rome. He was renamed after a town he was in. He wrote a lot of songs, including 106 masses total. Pope Julius III took Giovanni to Rome with him. Pope Julius died 1555, then someone took is place as Pope Julius II, but that only lasted about 3 weeks until he died, too. The next pope wanted to change the way music was used in church.

Musical instruments were not to be used to accompany church music and the thought was to go back to the old way – just chanting in church. The Pope, however, allowed Palestrina to make a mass with no instruments and then show him it. Palestrina was very frightened, because he had no idea what song to make that would work. One day when he was writing, he had a vision of angels singing heavenly harmonies. That did not scare him, but inspired him to write the song now known as the Missa Papae Macrcelli. When the Pope listened to the mass, he loved it and then music was back.

The parts of the mass are slow and high. When I listen to them I feel both calm and tired. The music sounds like angels are singing in heaven. My favorite part about the music is the first few parts of Gloria, because it only had one person singing. While listening to this mass, people will feel safe, calm and might even cry. Classical music can be slow and soft sometimes.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ninth Grade Homeschooling

This is my first time being in high school while homeschooling. So far it has been both interesting and challenging. I have a couple of challenges in ninth grade. I am trying to work hard in ninth grade and learn cool, new things. I'm looking forward to this year. Ninth grade is pretty good so far.

I like homeschooling, because I have some subjects that are easy. Math is really easy for me, so I can get through it pretty fast. I'm doing Algebra 1 and the math isn't difficult for me, though I don't enjoy it. I do like to learn things that I'm interested in, such as biology, which I chose to do this year. This year I am learning about the insides of animals and insects. By being homeschooled, I can go on fun, awesome field trips too! People who are in public school can't really go to cool field trips. That's why I like to be homeschooled.

I have some challenges with homeschooling this year. PreHistory is hard for me, because there are a lot of notes I have to take. It's a challenge, because I have to write down notes, read them and answer the questions the book asks me. Another subject that is kind of difficult for me is Vocabulary. Vocabulary is not my best subject! Figuring out what college I want to go to is also hard. It can be stressful, because I don't know what job I want to work at, or which classes to take, but that will be pushed to the side until I find a job that is right for me. I am going to get through the challenges!

There are three things that I am enjoying in school this year so far. I like to learn about biology, because I think it's interesting. I want to see what is inside animals and learn more about genetics. Also I have a trip planned to a spy museum, which I think will be cool to see. I'd like to see all the different spy exhibits. I also enjoy art class, because it's calming. When I do art, I put my imagination on the paper.

Those are all the reasons why homeschooling is both interesting and a challenge. First, homeschooling is okay. I have things I like and I'm interested in and I can learn them in school. Second, the challenges can be hard but I'm going to get through them. Last, school maybe different, but it is also fun, because I can go on cool field trips. I think this year is going to go by very fast!