Friday, April 12, 2013


Ludwig van Beethoven is the very creative composer that I’ve been listening to this month. Beethoven didn’t care about anything except for one thing, and that was his music. Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 is one of the pieces I’ve listened to. It sounds mysterious to me, like someone is trying to sneak around or trying to find something. Ode to Joy from Symphony No. 9 is another piece that has great rhythm to it, and it’s famous because it was the first symphony that included a chorus. Beethoven has good music!

I am listening to Symphony No. 5 by Beethoven. In the first few lines it sounds mysterious, and then it sounds like someone is sneaking around on their tippy toes, then it repeats. The whole song sounds intense when I listen to it over and over. When I close my eyes I imagine someone running away from danger. I like this song because it isn’t as soft as the other symphonies I’ve listened to this year. It’s definitely dramatic.

                I am also listening to Ode to Joy. In the beginning it starts out soothing or calming, and then it becomes louder. Beethoven completely lost his hearing when he wrote Ode to Joy. He could feel the vibrations though. If I was there, I think I could feel the vibrations too! He also put a chorus in the middle of his song. Ode to Joy was the first symphony ever to include a chorus. I like this symphony because it is inspiring to me. He made this song to be nice, so everyone will enjoy it.

                Beethoven created a lot of good songs when he was deaf. Even though he couldn’t hear it, he still cared about what people thought of his music. Well, that is what I think, because you can’t write classical music without an audience to enjoy it! I certainly do!

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