Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How I Help the Environment

This is an essay I wrote because my mom told me to do it!

I do three things to help nature. First, I recycle used paper, water bottles and empty cans. This helps because they can be reused in stores after processing and we don't have to throw everything into the landfills. Second, when I moved and unpacked all the boxes, my mom put them on the internet for people to pick up and reuse. This is helpful, because if you just recycle it, it becomes a box again in the factory, which is a waste of time and energy. Last, I sometimes help my mom put flowers in our yard to make it look beautiful. This helps nature by planting things to make the environment healthy, beautiful and strong. That's what I do to help the environment.

Recycling cans, papers and water bottles is very useful. When I recycle papers, cans and water bottles, the materials in them can be reused, instead of sitting in landfills, taking forever to decompose. Cans take up to 200-500 years to break down, but if recycled they can be reused within 6 weeks. Paper would take 1 month and water bottles would take 1 million years. That's why you should recycle those things.

Reused boxes is another good thing too. You shouldn't recycle boxes but reuse them. After moving, our boxes my mom put them on the internet for people to pick up and reuse. This helps because if recycled, it just becomes a box again, which is a waste of energy. So you should reuse boxes not recycle, unless they are completely broken down.

I also help my mom plant flowers in our yard, which is another way to help with nature. Planting helps nature to become healthy, beautiful and strong all at once. When you plant flowers and trees it gives you life, because plants let out oxygen and take in carbon dioxide.

These are the few things I do to help the environment – reusing, recycling and planting. You should help the earth too. Pick one thing to do for the environment, and then go do it!

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