Wednesday, June 27, 2012


There are three reasons why breakfast is important in the morning. First, having breakfast can help you. It gives you the nutrition you need each and every morning. Second, if you don't eat in the morning your energy level is down. You feel all sick and if you try to eat, it feels like you are going to throw up, you don't want to eat until it goes away and you are starving. Last, it is hard to learn when you don't eat anything. If you don't have anything you can't concentrate on the task ahead, your bairn will be all over the place. Those are some of the reasons breakfast is important.

Eating breakfast is important because it can help you. Bodies can't run empty when you wake up, after more than eight hours you need something in your stomach. You don't feel good when you skip breakfast, your stomach feels all queasy and sick. That happens to me once in a while, but not all the time. If you don't get the proper nutrition in the morning you'll feel hungry at lunch time. So what I have to do everyday is eat breakfast, even though I don't want to. When you don't eat you don't feel well. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” say my parents, all the time.

Your energy level is very low if you don't eat something in the morning. If you don't eat breakfast you don't get a lot of nutrition and substances that you need. We eat at dinner then we go to bed, we don't eat for at least eight or more hours. When we wake up we need to get something in our stomach, because then we don't have the nutrition in our bodies. If you're not eating you'll feel hungry. When you don't eat breakfast in the morning your body doesn't have enough energy. You'll be starving until lunch has arrived. So eat breakfast!

It is hard to learn when you don't have something to snack on or have a nice meal in the morning. People who don't eat breakfast have trouble learning. When a teacher is asking something you can't tell them even though you know the answer because your brain is in lala land. You can't concentrate because your brain is all over the place. Food helps you put the puzzle together, the pieces are scattered but then it's made in to a picture. When you do have breakfast it's not a problem. Not having breakfast can give you problems like you can't focus at school or work, or you are hungry. You should have breakfast and none of this stuff will happen to you.

Those are the three reasons why breakfast is important. It can help keep you focused and concentrating on school and other activities. Eating breakfast can help a lot because it gives you proper nutrition that your body needs. Also your energy level will go higher if you have breakfast everyday. Here are a few things you can have for breakfast: cereal with fruit, yogurt and a banana with I, or two granola bars with an apple. Eat breakfast!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

World War 2

Americans learned some very important lessons in World War 2. Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan. It killed and wounded a lot of people. Women got hired in factories, nurses and other jobs, too. African-Americans got hired but the wages were less than other people. America came out with power, because our cities were still intact. Those are the major results the Americans had for participating in WW 2.

Pearl Harbor got attacked by Japan on December 7,1941. They killed 2,345 people and wounded 1,282 because all the military ships were in one place at the same time. The Americans shouldn't put their ships in the same spots, because 21 ships in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii sunk that day. Now all their ships are in different locations. December 7 will always be remembered by everyone who knows about it.

Women and African-Americans are good workers because they are quick learners for the job. Four hundred thousand African-Americans left their farms to work in factories during WW 2. It was a big change too because they never worked in factories and women never worked except around the house. The people produced 25 times more products than before the war. Many women and African-Americans stayed to work after the war was over.
The U.S. came out stronger than ever after the war. Many people now had jobs because of the war. If people were poor, they could get jobs and earn money. Many women stayed to work, so there was a larger workforce, which resulted in more products being produced. After the war, America's cities were still intact, while many in Europe were not. That's how America got stronger after World War 2 was finally over.
Those are very important lessons Americans learned, back then. They let women and African-Americans work when the war was ongoing. Now women and African-Americans can still work today. After Pearl Harbor America never put all their ships in one place again. The World War 2 changed America's history forever.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Board games

I have three board games I like to play for fun. Board games are better played with friends and family. First, Scene It! Disney Edition is a great game. It's a game that has Disney characters for you to guess. Second, Quiddler is a fun game too. I like it because I learn new words every time I play it. Last, War is another fun game that I enjoy. In War I beat mostly everyone I play against. As you can see, I like to entertain myself with board games.

First, Scene it! Disney Edition is a game I play with my family. This game is hard if you don't know much about Disney. This game makes my brain work, like on a test, but one based on Disney movies. If you know all the movies really well you might win. I don't know them by heart, so I always lose! I like this game, because it's very entertaining and not boring. This game is fun if you have many people play at the same time.

Second, Quiddler is fun if you like spelling. Quiddler is also useful if you're not good at spelling. I play this, so I can learn to spell better and learn new words. There is another reason why I like this game, my mom always wins, so I want to beat her! I will keep playing until I beat her. This game is good for motivating little kids to learn how to spell, because they would be more interested in it than a worksheet. As you can see, Quiddler is a good game for anyone.
War is a wonderful game if you only have cards. I usually call this game “I Declare War,” but most people call it just War. This game is enjoyable with many people around to play. This is the game I like to play a lot, because I win almost every time I have a challenge. While playing, you can't look at your cards, so then you don't know what's in your hand. That's why I like this game, because it's all about if you have a good pile.

I enjoy board games because I can hang out with friends and family while playing. Scene it! Disney Edition, Quiddler and War are games I like to play with people. Do you have a board game you like? Tell me about it, and I might try it out!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

My drawing

I made three pictures that I want to show you. The first one is a Pegasus, a unicorn with wings. I created it in art class last year. Second, is a girl anime character from one of my stories. I decided, why not draw my own character? The last one is another anime character that I drew. Sketching my protagonist helped me get a better picture in my mind. I hope you like the pictures I'm displaying for you.

First, is a Pegasus. The Pegasus is colored with pencils, because I thought it looked better that way. I created it at my art class in the summertime. It was last year when I made it. The Pegasus has wings that look almost like a fairy's. At first it didn't have wings until I thought I'd put wings on to make it look more interesting. It is my favorite picture so far.
Second, is a girl character that I designed. When I created my story, I thought to draw my protagonist. Then I drew it on paper and colored it in. I think the head needs more work done. The head is too fat and round, like a ball. There is another problem with the picture; I need to work on its eyes and mouth. This picture looks like me, but with long hair, but it's not. Her name is Ivy Stone.

I have another anime character that I drew. This one looks like a girl, all anime does normally! It's a boy, not a girl, thought. Though I think the body needs to be worked on. He looks too skinny and that's not normal. The arm could be a little better. They're not even and not perfect to me. I'm going to keep trying hard to fix everything.

These are all the sketches I made by hand. The pegasus is awesome. I especially like it in pencil. My anime girl is fine, but she still needs work. The hair is pretty and the body is just right. The boy anime looks like a girl to many people. If I didn't tell you that this picture was a boy or a girl, what would you guess? I hope you all liked my pictures! Which one do you like the best?