Friday, May 25, 2012

Romeo and Juliet

There are three reasons why Romeo and Juliet should not get married. First, they're too young. Second, they just met and they know nothing about each other. Third, they're sworn enemies and their parents won't allow it.

First, I think Romeo is too old for Juliet. Juliet is thirteen years old and Romeo is seventeen. I think that's a young age to fall in love and get married. People should get married when they're eighteen or older. Marrying at a young age is bad because teens are more likely get divorced.

Juliet is planning to marry Pairs, not Romeo. Romeo loved Rosaline the night before he met Juliet. Now, suddenly they're so in love that they are getting married? They're as blind as molerats when they're together! They've known each other less than half an hour!

The last reason they shouldn't marry is because they're enemies! Romeo should know better than to marry an enemy. Enemies are likely to kill on sight and betray each other. Juliet's cousin hates Romeo and any Montague. Their parents would be as mean as bears if they heard that they got married. The Montagues and Caplets fight to the death when together. Marrying an enemy is never a good idea.

Juliet's nurse should have said, “no marrying a Montague!” but she didn't. Their parents don't even know they want to get married. There are many reasons why Romeo and Juliet should not get married.

Friday, May 18, 2012

What I like at camp

Camping has so many things you or I can do. There are a few things I like to do at camp. First, I like to swim in the lake or pool. Swimming is cool, because I can enjoy it and have my exercise at the same time. Second, I like to do the activities that is planned. For example, camps have activities such as archery and hiking. The last thing I do is hang out with friends. Talking to friends is always a good way to spend me my time.

Swimming is joyful and happy, because I enjoy swimming; I like the water, especially on a super hot day. When I'm in the water I sometimes play Marco Polo with my friends and family. That's what I do when I go for a swim.

Doing the scheduled activities are also fun while at camp. I like the activities, because then I have something else instead of having school at home. The thing I like to do most at camp is the rock climbing and going down the zip line. I also like to go hiking in the woods and at night time I can tell a scary story.

Hanging out with friends at camp is amazing, because I can talk and play games with them. Sometimes I like to play mafia with them at night. When my friends and I have activities; we do it together, which makes everything more enjoyable.

Those are the things I like to do while at camp. Camping is amazing if you like the outdoors. There are so many things I like to do at camp. Tell me what you like to do at camp!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Cool Jobs!

I'm looking at cool jobs that I'm interested in doing as a career when I'm older. There are three that I like. First, a writer, second, Armed Forces(Army or National Guard) and last, I'm somewhat thinking of becoming a zoo keeper.

First, my favorite one of all of these is a writer. Becoming a writer is hard, you need to be good at writing (which I'm not). Writers don't get paid until their books are out, so I'll need another job to get money. I love writing though because it lets me put my imagination on paper.

Second, I would maybe like to become a soldier in the Army or the National Guard. Fighting and protecting people is what interests me the most about this career. Becoming a soldier is hard and difficult, as you have to follow all the standards they tell you. My sister is in the National Guard. She's a medic. My sister made me think about becoming one (not that she told me) but I was thinking of being one. So we might work together.

Zoo keepers help to take care of animals. If I were a keeper, everyday I could see animals and befriend them too. Becoming a zoo keeper is not as hard as my other career choices, but you get paid less, for sure. Animals are difficult to take care of every day because they eat different food and need time to play, so that takes your whole day.

These are the types of jobs I like the best. They're hard, but not impossible either. My favorites are writing and becoming a soldier. What kind of jobs you are interested in?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My favorite color!

My favorite color is green. (It's all around us; it's life.) Plants keep us alive and help us breathe. Birds and crows nest in trees in the springtime. When spring comes, flowers bloom and people grow food in their gardens. All of these things come to my mind when I think of my favorite color.

Plants keep us alive because they breathe out oxygen and breathe in carbon dioxide. People cut down trees to use them for paper. Trees and plants are very useful when you stop and think about it. When I sit on the bright green grass under the trees it's calming, when I close my eyes and relax.

Birds nest in tree branches covered by green leaves all of the time. When the birds hatch from their eggs it's always more work for the moms to catch more worms. We hear them chirp and sing. I like to hear them sing, because I like to watch my cat get agitated! Hearing them chirp sometimes gets on my nerves if I want peace and quiet.

Spring is now in season. People are have to cut their green grass. Flowers are blooming, little baby animals are hatching. Farmers are starting to plant their crops. Trees are growing back their green leaves to make the world more colorful. When flowers bloom it fills the spring sky with joy.

Nature keeps us alive and it makes our landscapes look fantastic (like the pictures I showed you). That's why I like green, not just because it goes with my red hair, but for the color it brings to the world surrounding us. If you stop, take a long breath and look, you'll see green things that you haven't noticed before.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Interesting things about me!

There are many interesting things about me. First, I read books; I read up to 4 hours a day. When I'm not reading I like to watch anime, like Naruto and The Law of Ueki. I make plays and write books in my spare time too. I haven't finished one, but I enjoy trying.

My favorite books are from The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. The first one is about a girl who takes her sister's place at the reaping. One boy and one girl are picked from each district to go into an arena and only one can come out alive. They're pretty awesome books, and I read them over and over again. You should read them too if you haven't already!

I love to watch anime, because some of them are funny. One I like is called Naruto and its about a ninja who wants to became a hokage, which is the leader of a village. The Law of Ueki is about a boy who is picked by a god candidate and is given a power. These anime make me laugh, as they are amusing.

Right now, I'm writing a play called Battle of Shara. It's about two kids named Amadeus and Lilian who need to find Shara, if they don't the world will be in chaos. The book I'm writing is called Stallionato, and it's about a girl named Lana who lives on a planet called Stallionato. She goes to earth and has to save someone. If she doesn't save someone on time she'll stay on earth forever. I like writing because it gives me something to do when I'm bored.

There are many great things about me. I like writing plays and books, and I read them too. Watching anime is something else I do in my spare time. As you can see I am very fun to hang out with! What is interesting about you?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Photos of Christmas

Photos remind me of Christmas. Every year I put up the tree and my mom does the rest of the decorating.

My extended family comes over each year for Christmas Eve and we have a party. I visit with my cousins and we all exchange gifts. We have crackers, a cheese tray, a bread boat, pizza, meatballs and other snacks. After they leave, I have to help clean up, and then I open up a new pair of pajamas to wear that night. When it gets dark, we light candles and make wishes for people in our lives.

On Christmas Day, my brother, sister and I open our presents in the morning. Our parents ring a bell so we know when to come down and start opening the gifts. We take turns opening the gifts, so my dad can take pictures of us.

After we open our gifts I say good bye and my sister and brother leave to see their dad. I then get in the car with my suitcase and my dad, mom and I go to Pennsylvania. We arrive at our hotel six hours later. Then I see my grandparents and while visiting, I pet their cat Molly who is the most loving cat in the world. We give each other presents there too.

We stay for about a week and then we go back to New York. I have done that every year with my parents. Recently, I moved to Maryland. Now it will have to be the other way around, and I'll be traveling to New York for Christmas. I can't wait to see the pictures from this December!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


If I were spinning in a tornado, I'd see lots of weird, cool and scary things. I'd feel dizzy, I would see buildings, animals and dust. Spinning in a tornado is a one time experience, because it would scar me for life.

First, I'd probably get picked up from off the hard ground. I would spin so fast I'd feel nauseous. I would feel dizzy, about to throw up and faint. Spinning in a tornado will make you feel that way. It sure will if I ever get sucked into one.

While I'm in the tornado, I would see buildings. They would be taken off the ground, be spinning and would be falling apart. Barns, pens, houses, all things you can think of would be in the tornado, I'm sure of it. There would be people inside and they'd feel light as a feather. Those are the things I'd see in the tornado.

I'd also see animals like cows, birds trying to get out, hens, frogs and lots and lots of dust. Cows would moo, birds would squawk, hens would flap their wings, frogs would croak. Dust would fly all around into my eyes, their eyes, everyone's eyes!

All of these things would be scary to see and then when I landed, I would probably be dead or unconscious. Spinning in a tornado is not exactly a good time!