Friday, May 25, 2012

Romeo and Juliet

There are three reasons why Romeo and Juliet should not get married. First, they're too young. Second, they just met and they know nothing about each other. Third, they're sworn enemies and their parents won't allow it.

First, I think Romeo is too old for Juliet. Juliet is thirteen years old and Romeo is seventeen. I think that's a young age to fall in love and get married. People should get married when they're eighteen or older. Marrying at a young age is bad because teens are more likely get divorced.

Juliet is planning to marry Pairs, not Romeo. Romeo loved Rosaline the night before he met Juliet. Now, suddenly they're so in love that they are getting married? They're as blind as molerats when they're together! They've known each other less than half an hour!

The last reason they shouldn't marry is because they're enemies! Romeo should know better than to marry an enemy. Enemies are likely to kill on sight and betray each other. Juliet's cousin hates Romeo and any Montague. Their parents would be as mean as bears if they heard that they got married. The Montagues and Caplets fight to the death when together. Marrying an enemy is never a good idea.

Juliet's nurse should have said, “no marrying a Montague!” but she didn't. Their parents don't even know they want to get married. There are many reasons why Romeo and Juliet should not get married.

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